The Environmental Encouraging Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (PIMA ADAPTA from the spanish acronym Plan de Impulso al Medio Ambiente para la ADAPTAción al cambio climático) has been an operational tool since 2015 to support the achievement of the objectives of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change. It uses economic resources from emission rights auctions, carried out within the framework of the emission rights trading regime, channeling them towards adaptation projects. The PIMAs projects have become an important instrument to develop the complete cycle of adaptation in Spain, contributing in all phases (generation of knowledge, governance, sectoral integration, actions on the ground, monitoring, etc.) and promoting action at all levels (administrative, academic, private and NGO). The PIMA ADAPTA, coordinated by the Spanish Office of Climate Change (OECC), is managed by various public entities: D.G. Water and D.G. Coasts, National Parks Autonomous Organism, Biodiversity Foundation (public call for projects) and autonomous communities.
The current work is developed within the framework of the PIMA ADAPTA COSTAS IB (Balearic Islands Coastal Adaptation), coordinated by the Main Office of Energy and Climate Change of the Balearic Islands Government.
Further information at (Spanish).
The PIMA ADAPTA COSTAS IB project, developed between 2018 and 2020 by IMEDEA-CSIC, UIB and SOCIB, aimed to provide the scientific basis for the development of the Balearic Islands Strategies for Adaptation of coastal areas in front of climate change effects, particularly, sea-level ris e ad extreme wave conditions.
During the project, and following the recommendations of the IPCC, an ad-hoc methodology was developed to evaluate the hazards and impacts in the coastal area based in three modules: numerical modelling of coastal inundation, spatial impacts of inundation over inhabitants, critical infrastructures, natural areas and the socio-economic system, and, response of the subsystems and economic loss (Luque et al., 2021).
Potential risk events are related to two time frames, 2050 and 2100, considering two climate change scenarios of the IPCC, the RCP-4.5 and RCP-8.5, that represent a low reduction of green-house gas emissions pathway and a current emission pathway respectively. Modeling the impacts of the sea-level rise projections in these RCP nd time fremes wave developed in a regional framework, by means f numerical models and unidimensional approximation of wave propagation processes. The results of the regional approach are accessible at (Catalan) and through a map viewer at (Catalan).
The development of the ONA toolbox is framed by the Addenda of the agreement between the Balearic Islands Energy Transition, Productive Sectors and Democracy Memory Council and the Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System (ICTS SOCIB). The Addenda aims to provide to local authorities a tool as a support system to develop local strategies of adaptation in front of climate change effects in the coastal area.
scientific COORDINATION (alphabetical order)
PhD. Àngels Fernàndez-Mora – SOCIB
PhD in Applied and Computational Physics. Near-shore morphodynamics
PhD. Lluís Gómez-Pujol – UIB
PhD in Geography. Coastal geomorphology and sedimentology.
PhD. Marta Marcos – UIB
PhD in Physics. Oceanography and Climate Change sea-level rise.
PhD. Alejandro Orfila - IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)
PhD in Physics. Oceanography, hydrodynamics and wave climate.
Prof. Joaquim Tintoré – SOCIB y IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)
PhD in Physics. Oceanography and marine and coastal sustainability.
ONA ToolBOX WORKING TEAM (alphabetical order)
MEng. Matias Bonet - OceanDrivers
PhD in Applied and Computational Physics.
PhD. Àngels Fernàndez-Mora – SOCIB
PhD in Applied and Computational Physics.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The working team want to acknowledge the collaboration and facilities for the development of the current toolbox to Pau Luque (UIB), Elena Jinámar Tomas (DG Canvi Climàtic, GOIB) and José Carlos Cerro (DG Canvi Climàtic, GOIB).