hands-on example

1. Importing a digital elevation model

From the main interface or the drop-down menu, access to the 'DEM/Bathymetries section'. Previously saved bathymetries will be shown in the window.

To import a new bathymetry, click in the button '+ ADD NEW BATHYMETRY'. A pop-up dialog will appear asking: 1) File, the location of the DEM file, 2) Name, a name for the bathymetry and 3) Description, a brief description (optional).

On clicking to 'File', a file browser dialog will appear to search the DEM file to be added in your file system. DEM file must be a regular DEM ASCII file with the structure defined at section 'HOW TO BUILT A TOPOBATHYMETRIC FILE' of this manual.

Once DEM file, Name and Description are filled, click in the 'UPLOAD' button to add the bathymetry. At the 'DEM/Bathymetries Section', the DEM will appear listed as well as the visualization of the area. 

2. Creating a new project

From the 'Projects' section, accessible from the main interface or the lateral drop-down menu, user can access to saved projects or create new projects.

On clicking the 'CREATE NEW PROJECT' button, a pop-up dialog will appear asking for the project name and a brief description of the project. Once created by pushing on the 'CREATE' button, it will appear listed at the 'Projects' section interface.

By clicking over the name of any of the saved projects, user can access, visualize, modify simulations within the projects.

3. Creating a new simulation

By clicking over the name of any of the saved projects, users can access, visualize and modify simulations within the projects. Each project can contain as many simulations as user requires.

To create a new simulation, first enter a project by clicking over its name. The 'Simulation' interface will appear. Through the button 'CREATE NEW SIMULATION', the user will access to the 'Simulation' step-by-step wizard. The first step is to select the bathymetry to be used for the simulation. Saved bathymetries are listed in the screen.

On selecting the corresponding bathymetry, user must define the computational area for the SWAN model (further details at the Scientific Report Section of this manual). The wizard assistant will guide user to the steps to follow to define the computational area.

First of all, user must draw a line parallel to the shoreline of the study area, and approximately situated at least at 15 m depth of the bathymetry (off-shore). It is recommended to read the instructions in the screen to properly define the computational area. User can remove the selection by the button 'CLEAN'. 

Second, user must define a point inland that will define the onshore boundary of the computational area.

Once the area is confirmed, a new pop-up dialog will appear asking for: 

i) the name of the simulation,

ii) a brief description, 

iii) the RCP scenario, the time horizon to be simulated by means of a drop-down menu, and 

iv) the median grain size D50. 

On clicking the button 'CREATE NEW', the simulation will be properly created, listed at the 'Simulation' interface, and ready to be computed.

4. Running a new simulation

To run a simulation, first enter in the Simulation interface by selecting the project from the 'Projects' page. The simulations of the corresponding project will be listed in the main screen. To start the simulation, user can click the 'Execute Simulation' button. Once the simulation starts, the debug console activates at the lower half of the screen. The console provides details of the steps being performed. 

During the simulations, the user can continue preparing new projects, simulations or see the results of previous runs inside the tool. The current ongoing simulation will be running in batch mode.

5. Viewing results

Once the simulation has finished, the user can access to the results section through the 'VIEW RESULTS' button. The 'Results' interface is divided in 6 sections:

6. Downloading results

The 'Download' section allows user to generate an automatic report (pdf) containing the basic information of the project and the simulation as well as the most relevant results, as well as to download a zip file containing models raw results, plots, reports and the DEM of inundation and erosion areas.